
New Words

So Engadget was talking today about this amazing improvement to the ubiquitous sticky being developed by the MIT Ambient Intelligence Group and I jumped over there to drool. (Watch the video, you'll drool, too!) But what struck me was this sentence:

"This project is currently demoable."

What does that mean? Is a test version ready to be demonstrated to a potential commercial developer? Or was that video simply an elaborate 'Photoshop exercise' to show how these fabulous new stickies could be developed with current technology? What the heck does "demoable" mean in this context?

So, I hit the top 5 online dictionaries. No such word. Well, I supposed, maybe the dictionaries only list the root word. Nope, no "demoable" under "demo". Is "doable" in there? Check! So, it's not just the root words you can search against, ergo "demoable" is not a word!

That said, I've personally used "demo'd", because there's just something wrong about "demoed". ("Demoed" is the proper term according to those lovely folks at the Oxford English Dictionary.)

I guess MIT is not just on the bleeding of technology, but etymology too!


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